This What-If simulation estimates the costs and societal benefits from investing in biogas energy generation and compost production based on pig manure reuse in a rural community in Ghana. The simulation results serve to inform the Green Climate Fund and other public donors and investors whether such investments should be targeted by sustainable recovery financing.
This What-If simulation explores whether investing in biogas energy generation and compost production from pig manure reuse could be considered by the Green Climate Fund for (concessional) financing and/or other financial and non-financial support measures for sustainable and climate-resilient community development in Ghana in light of the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The conducted assessment consists of the following two components:
- A valuation of the costs and benefits of investing in biogas energy generation based on reusing pig manure.
- A valuation of the costs and benefits of investing in compost production based on reusing pig manure to replace chemical fertilizer use in the rural community in Ghana.
Read the full report for detailed simulation results.