SAVi looks at the system as a whole, mapping out how different factors can affect our interconnected economic, financial, social and environmental systems. It also allows us to understand the various actors that work within those systems. Additionally, SAVi helps governments and investors prepare for the unexpected, thus avoiding costly surprises as the project progresses.
Our SAVi assessments do so by tracking and using several indicators, including the costs and benefits of infrastructure. These costs and benefits are estimated for various economic actors, such as private investors, households and governments. As a result, SAVi can assess the costs and benefits of infrastructure investments from multiple perspectives, including those of the public sector, investors, contractors, suppliers, communities, citizens and more.
SAVi also identifies and quantifies externalities, helping governments and investors appreciate how externalities today can become direct project risks or opportunities in the future. For instance, SAVi can evaluate whether investments in renewable energy lead to higher employment, income, discretionary spending and tax revenue relative to investments in fossil fuels. SAVi can also show whether these investments would lead to a reduction of air pollution, thus reducing health costs.