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Showing 1031-1040 of 7927 results
Standards and the Sustainable Development Goals: Leveraging sustainability standards for reporting on SDG progress
This event launched a new report examining how governments can work with sustainability standards to advance the SDGs and better track and report on their progress toward achieving them.
The State of Play of Natural Infrastructure on the Canadian Prairies
We sat down with key experts across the region and reviewed the latest literature to determine how we take natural infrastructure from novel to normal on Canada's Prairies.
Bangladesh's water crisis and the problem of a 'green' solution
As the world scrambles to address climate change and build resilience to prepare communities for its destructive impacts, nature-based solutions are being presented as a panacea. These projects, which leverage nature and natural processes to help alleviate the effects of climate change and harmful human activity, are increasing in number and scale.
State of Sustainability Initiatives Review: Standards and the Sustainable Development Goals
This report explores the role that voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) can play in helping governments advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and better track and report on their progress toward achieving them.
AFRIQUE DU SUD : l’émirien Amea Power va vendre 85 MWc d’énergie solaire à GreenCo (in French)
La transition énergétique s’accélère en Afrique du Sud avec le concours d’Amea Power. Le producteur indépendant d’électricité (IPP) basé à Dubaï aux Émirats arabes unis (EAU) construira une nouvelle centrale solaire dans la province du Nord-Ouest. Le projet est désormais couvert par un contrat d’achat d’électricité (CAE) signé récemment entre l’IPP et GreenCo Power Services, la filiale du négociant en énergie Africa GreenCo Group.
SOUTH AFRICA: UAE's Amea Power to sell 85 MWp of solar power to GreenCo
The energy transition in South Africa is accelerating with the help of Amea Power. The Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based independent power producer (IPP) will build a new solar power plant in the North West Province. The project is now covered by a power purchase agreement (PPA) recently signed between IPP and GreenCo Power Services, the subsidiary of energy trader Africa GreenCo Group.
Carbon capture: Separating fact from fiction
When scientists and activists first raised alarm bells on climate change, the oil and gas industry was a reluctant player. But now, it boasts that carbon capture is one of the fastest ways for the industry to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
Rewind: Rush for white gold
The OPEC shook the world and started a new dimension of geopolitical rivalry, can lithium remake this landscape once again?
How to ditch fossil fuels without leaving workers behind
What can Canada learn from Denmark and Germany? As oil demand is forecast to drop, we take a look around the world for lessons about supporting workers and communities through energy transitions. Then, we hear from Canadians in communities closely tied to fossil fuels about their hopes and fears for the future.