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Showing 291-300 of 8033 results
Avoiding a Trade Crisis as Countries Look to Phase Out Plastic Pollution
Why efforts to curb plastic pollution need to consider potential trade complications.
Global Dialogue on Border Carbon Adjustments
This report contributes to the global BCA discussion by summarizing country-level reports reflecting dialogues conducted in Brazil, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
Friends of Climate and Health
The Friends of Climate and Health is an informal group of countries working to foster international collaboration on climate change and health.
Model Inter Se Agreement to Neutralize the Survival Clause of the Energy Charter Treaty Between the EU and Other non-EU Contracting Parties
An analysis of how the European Union (EU) and other contracting parties of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) could modify the treaty among themselves to neutralize the survival clause and prevent future fossil fuel investment arbitrations.
How to Strengthen MEL Systems for Adaptation
Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems are about ensuring we implement climate change adaptation more effectively and more efficiently. So, what can we learn from different countries currently tackling the challenges of developing and delivering MEL systems for adaptation? Lucy Njuguna and Emilie Beauchamp dive into the findings and recommendations from a new report.
Wetlands project propagating past Perimeter
An environmental stewardship project that was piloted in East St. Paul is set to spread next door to the R.M. of Springfield. In July 2021, IISD researchers built and planted 10 floating wetlands in two stormwater retention ponds in East St. Paul, with the aim of improving water quality and removing harmful pollutants from the water—the first project of its kind in Manitoba.
National Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Systems for Climate Change Adaptation
This report aims to support governments that are advancing their national monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems for climate change adaptation by providing a comparative analysis of the experience of nine countries.
Canal Restoration in Kochi, India
In this integrated cost-benefit analysis, the Nature-Based Infrastructure (NBI) Global Resource Centre demonstrates the potential of NBI and hybrid green-grey infrastructure to improve water quality and reduce flood risk along the canals of Kochi, India.
Irish Aid
Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s development cooperation programme.