Mapping India's Energy Policy 2023 is the latest publication in a series of annual updates on government support for energy in India that includes critical data on energy subsidies and taxation.
Next week, at the 9th annual OECD Investment Treaty Conference, delegates will discuss a possible carveout of climate change measures from investor-state dispute settlements (ISDS). We assess the implications of this for states' climate policies and broader efforts to reform international investment governance.
This briefing paper analyzes the importance of integrating externalities into financial analysis to improve decision making for infrastructure transport projects.
Ambitions to finalize a two-part treaty to equitably stop governments from funding overfishing were dashed again at the World Trade Organization’s 13th ministerial conference in Abu Dhabi, which ended in the early hours of March 2.
IISD experts react to the outcomes and conclusions of negotiations at the Thirteenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (MC13) (WTO).