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Climate change and Manitoba: Adaptation and innovation required
Hank Venema argues that climate change adaptation and resilience measures should on the enviroment agenda of the new Manitoba provincial government in an opinion piece for the Winnipeg Free Press.
Climate change and Manitoba: A neglected election issue
"Lake Winnipeg, the 10th-largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, has received international attention for its declining water quality. This underscores the urgency with which Manitobans must act to protect our lakes and the economic, cultural and ecological value they provide. Luckily, we already have many of the answers in hand."
Winnipeg voter turnout trending up
Inter-American Network on Government Procurement Workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement
Hardly a ‘War on Coal’
Why Aadhaar is not Sudhar: Study Questions Savings in LPG Scheme
"IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development) has come up with a research paper that refutes government’s claims on savings in the Aadhar-linked LPG subsidy scheme."