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Canada Post-COP21
Canada in the Post-2015 World
Cheap Oil Seen by EU as Good Time to Cut Fossil-Fuel Subsidies
Scrapping subsidies for fossil fuels in 20 nations would cut national carbon-dioxide emissions by an average of 11 percent within five years, according to a study last year by the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Winnipeg, Canada, and the Nordic Council of Ministers in Copenhagen.
Made in Manitoba environmental solutions
"Innovative solutions developed here in Manitoba to collectively deal with our flooding and nutrient- and carbon-reduction issues that also create economic growth and jobs, will help us and the global community" says Richard Grosshans, IISD Senior Research Scientist.
Winnipeg's smoking rate the lowest it has been in 10 years, report says
"Winnipeg's smoking rate is the lowest it has been in 10 years, and it's below the national average, a report released ahead of National Smoking Week says. Peg, a community indicator system that tracks the city's well-being, looked at Winnipeg's data from the 2014 Canadian Community Health Survey in a report released Thursday."
Naked Budgets: A fiscal argument to save the climate
Less mercury in the air shows policy changes work says University of Alberta research
"A drop of mercury emissions proves regional policy changes are enough to improve global environmental conditions, says University of Alberta research ... Data provided by the U of A's St. Louis included data that was collected between 2005-13 at the Experimental Lakes Area in Northwestern Ontario. The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."