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How Green Public Procurement Contributes to Sustainable Development in China
Nordisk Ministerråd: Drop statsstøtte til fossile brændsler og spar CO2
(Danish-language) "Udledningen af CO2 kan nedbringes med 11 procent, hvis man frem mod 2020 fjerner statsstøtten til fossile brændsler i 20 udvalgte lande. Det konkluderer en ny rapport fra Nordisk Ministerråd."
Climate change lacks 'the immediacy of now' in conflict zones - experts
"Fragile states are the most exposed to climate change impacts, even though they are the less equipped to deal with them, said [Alec] Crawford in a report he recently co-authored. Many fragile countries are already struggling with problems such as weak security, governments and law enforcement, as well as corruption and economic instability."
Water security in Canada poses one of our most daunting public policy challenges
"A national water strategy would send a message to the agricultural sector, First Nations communities, municipalities, energy companies and all those whose lives are touched by water, that not only do we take our water seriously, but that we officially recognize the need to work together to understand and manage this essential resource," says Dimple Roy, director of our Water program.
The New Norm: Why economic, social, environmental priorities should be considered in all public policy
Scott Vaughan and Livia Bizikova explain how the Sustainable Development Goals should be considered in Canadian public policy.