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Experimental Lakes Area expands mandate far beyond fish
"Now that the IISD has taken over the station, education isn't the only opportunity on the horizon. Chief research scientist Mike Paterson has worked at ELA for 23 years and has never been more excited about its potential."
On road to Paris climate change talks, Obama detours through Alaska
“The U.S. is chairman of the Arctic Council and so that country gets to drive the agenda,” said Lynn Wagner, who analyzes multilateral environmental negotiations as a senior manager with the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Washington, D.C. “They can get people talking about an issue in the way they want it to be addressed.”
Middle East faces water shortages
IISD Refreshes Its Visual Identity
Experimental Lakes Area Project Lets Fish Take The Measurements
"Researchers at the Experimental Lakes Area in Canada are using a new way to track dissolved oxygen levels and their effects on fish, according to a research highlight from the International Institute of Sustainable Development that oversees the area. The new method relies on an advanced fish tag that can measure parameter others can’t."
Four cyclists will ride to remind others of water quality problems
"The Cycle for Solutions ride is an initiative from the Lake Winnipeg Foundation to celebrate its 10th anniversary and to highlight the science generated by [IISD] Experimental Lakes Area researchers here in Northwestern Ontario."