Store lande støtter sort energi med milliarder, mens de begræder CO2-udslippet
In this Danish-language article, our GSI team talks to Politiken about why fossil fuel subsidies are so harmful to the environment.
In this Danish-language article, our GSI team talks to Politiken about why fossil fuel subsidies are so harmful to the environment.
Scott Vaughan looks at possible outcomes of the Lima COP20 conference.
Dr. David Brooks looks forward to the XVth World Water Congress of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA) which will meet in Edinburgh, Scotland, on May 25-29, 2015.
Our president Scott Vaughan talks to the CBC about Canada's stance on climate change, just before COP 20 in Lima, Peru.
"Carin Smaller, an advisor on agriculture and investment at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in Switzerland says the G20 member-states could do more to put poor farmers, particularly women, at the centre of global efforts to improve security."