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IISD and CLMA sign partnership agreement to improve health of China’s Chao Lake
ELA looks into educational programming
Pauline Gerrard discusses the new and upcoming educational possibilities at IISD-ELA.
A Crash Course on Subsidy Definition by Dante, Shakespeare and Russian Folklore
Birth control pills have negative effects on aquatic ecosystem, finds study
India's Down To Earth Magazine reports on the latest findings from IISD-ELA.
Outdoor Education
Nick Martin takes an in-depth look at IISD-ELA functioning in an educational capacity. He was there at the site this past summer with some students from Winnipeg's St. John’s-Ravenscourt School and their teacher, Matt Henderson.
Political turmoil does not affect renewable energy market: specialists
"Richard Bridle, a project researcher at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), said in a session on government assistance, “the subsidies for electricity in the region in one year equal the required investments in renewable energy until 2020.”"
New study finds estrogen has detrimental and surprising effects on freshwater wildlife
Study finds birth control has negative effects on lake ecosystems
A recent study at IISD-ELA finds that estrogen found a commonly used birth control pill can have negative effects on fish populations in lakes.