Making room for learning by pushing school out of the way
Winnipeg teacher Matt Henderson talks about a recent study trip he and his students took to IISD-ELA.
Winnipeg teacher Matt Henderson talks about a recent study trip he and his students took to IISD-ELA.
“For five years, the Energy Policy Institute of Canada gathered expertise and research to help the country’s decision leaders formulate a national energy strategy. Now chair of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, former EPIC president Dan Gagnier sheds light on what EPIC found, how global markets are shifting and what Canada can do to take the lead in energy transformation.”
Highly readable blog post from Mariana Hug Silva detailing five immediate actions to make energy efficiency in India bankable.
Latest indicator from the highly successful Peg projects reveals that Winnipeggers’ charitable donations have increased at a faster rate than the national rate for the last ten years.
“In 2008 alone, Canada’s federal and provincial governments gave up $2.84 billion through tax breaks to oil companies, the Winnipeg-based International Institute for Sustainable Development reported in 2010.”