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Showing 1391-1400 of 7968 results
Traité international sur la pollution plastique : toutes les options sont sur la table (in French)
La première session de négociations sur le futur traité concernant la pollution plastique a permis un large passage en revue des options possibles. Sur le plan procédural, toutes les questions n'ont pas pu être tranchées.
L’économie, première victime de la pénurie d’énergie de 2023 (in French)
Qui sera frappé par la crise énergétique l’an prochain? Tous? Personne? Au Club de la presse ce lundi, aiguillonnés par Pierre Ruetschi, Christian Brunier, directeur des SIG, Peter Wooders, ancien directeur énergie de l’International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), le député PLR Adrien Genecand, et le vice-président des Verts, Julien Nicolet-dit-Félix, se sont livrés au petit jeu des pronostics lors d’une table ronde portant sur la crise et la question du retour du nucléaire.
Sortir de la dictature du PIB (in French)
Et si introduire de nouvelles mesures qui prennent en compte la qualité de vie permettait de mieux relever les défis environnementaux auxquels nous faisons face ? La réflexion est entamée.
Fish Forward is here to help
It has been an interesting two weeks since my last column with some good and bad news mixed in. On the good news front I was invited last week to attend the launch of a new organization called Fish Forward. The name itself had me intrigued since we already have a non-profit in Manitoba named Fish Futures. I was even on the original board when it formed in 1989.
Fisheries Subsidies That Contribute to Overcapacity and Overfishing: A review of the science and key decisions in the WTO negotiations
The objective of this workshop is to complement official discussions of the WTO by providing additional detail on the history of the fisheries subsidies negotiations, in order to inform delegations’ deliberations about how best to proceed.
Four Ways Investors Can Boost Sustainable Agriculture
With a multi-billion dollar investment gap for meeting the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 2) of ending hunger by 2030, how can investors manage risk while supporting sustainable development in agriculture?
Governments are subsidizing the destruction of nature even as they promise to protect it
When dignitaries from 196 countries converge in Montreal next week to rub shoulders and hash out a new global agreement to save nature, money will be on the agenda.
Shura attends preparatory meeting for Parliamentary Summit against Hunger
Doha: The Shura Council participated yesterday in the meeting that was held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in cooperation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in preparation for the convention of the 2nd Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition, which is scheduled to convene next year.