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What will Canada’s energy future look like?
"Amin Asadollahi is the North American lead on climate change mitigation at the International Institute for Sustainable Development. He doesn’t see an overnight elimination of hydrocarbons, but envisions the adoption of sustainable energy sources as an inexorable movement toward greater efficiency as well as an environmental imperative."
Together, Canada, China and the EU Can Fill Trump's Climate Leadership Void
"Canada, the European Union and China are sending a powerful signal that they are willing to fill the leadership void created by the Trump Administration backing out of the Paris agreement. This weekend’s summit in Montreal offers the chance for governments to raise their collective efforts and demonstrate how they are leading by example."
Together, Canada, China and the EU Can Fill Trump's Climate Leadership Void
Financing High Performance Climate Adaptation in Agriculture: Climate Bonds for Multi-Functional Water Harvesting Infrastructure on the Canadian Prairies
Meeting of Negotiators on Investment Agreements and Dispute Settlement – Buenos Aires
Time for results on Lake Winnipeg
"Our politicians must seize this opportunity and invest it wisely in the best interests of Lake Winnipeg. Let’s not find ourselves reading the same disappointing evaluation in another five years, with plenty of money spent, but no real improvements."
IISD-ELA scientist to study effects of oil spills in freshwater ecosystems
"Vince Palace is the head research coordinator for the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), which operates the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) southeast of Kenora, led a community information night at Knox United Church on Thursday, Sept. 7 about the research the facility will be conducting on how spills affect freshwater ecosystems."