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The Uncertain Transition Away From Coal—Stories from China and the United States
Experimental Lakes Area scientists take to Twitter to answer questions from public
"For the month of July, people can tweet at the IISD-ELA Twitter account with any questions they may have for Experimental Lakes Area scientists with the hashtag #ELA140, whether it’s about climate change, different pollutants, invasive species, or what exactly happens at the ELA, a natural laboratory made up of 58 small lakes and their watersheds near Vermilion Bay. The catch, of course, is the researchers have to respond in 140 characters or less."
Investment-Related Dispute Settlement: Lessons from international accountability mechanisms
From C20 to the G20: What we need on carbon pricing and fossil fuel subsidy reform
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Fiftieth Session, Vienna, July 3-21, 2017: Submission by IISD regarding the reform of investment-related dispute settlement
Webinar: Agricultural Land Law in Mali: A glimmer of hope
Experimental Lakes Area scientists taking questions on Twitter
"The scientists at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) near Kenora, Ont., are practicing a new skill this month: being brief. The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), which operates the ELA, is running a campaign throughout July that will see its scientists answer science-related questions that are posed via Twitter."