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Coal country mourns job losses, town heroes
"One cause is automation. Plus-size bulldozers and cutting machines have long replaced humans with axes and shovels in the mines. And more technology is coming: 40 percent to 80 percent of today's jobs are at risk of being replaced by things like robots and self-driving trucks, according to a report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Winnipeg, Manitoba."
Water woes
IISD-ELA executive director Matthew McCandless writes to the editor of the Globe and Mail to explain why, when looking to ensure First Nations' access to water, we must consider waste water treatment.
Mining automation and shared value – thinking through the new conundrum
"Transformations in mining techniques have the potential to change the way mining companies maintain their social licence to operate," argue Aaron Cosbey and Howard Mann.
Comprehensive Wealth in Canada: IISD's report launch
Taking the Leap to Realign Trade and Sustainable Development: Now is the time
Man-made wetlands can solve flooding, drought problems
"Prairie municipalities preparing for a hotter future, with increasing spring floods and summer drought, need to invest in “green infrastructure” the head of Winnipeg’s Prairie Climate Centre says."
G20 : des investisseurs et assureurs majeurs rejoignent l'appel pour la fin des subventions à la production de combustibles fossiles
(French-language article) "Une étude diffusée plus tôt ce mois-ci par la Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI ou Initiative sur les subventions mondiales) ... rapporte que la suppression des subventions à la production de combustibles fossiles équivaudrait à éliminer toutes les émissions du secteur international de l'aviation."
Report: Killing ‘Zombie Energy’ Would Keep More Fossil Fuels Buried
“It’s no secret that coal, oil and gas companies are extracting fossil fuel from fields that would be uneconomical without government support – what we call ‘zombie energy’,” says Ivetta Gerasimchuk, lead author of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) report.