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Canada in the Post-2015 World (English recording)
Sustainability Impacts of Chinese Outward Direct Investment: A review of the literature
International Experiences With LPG Subsidy Reform
Overseeing Agenda 2030—How to Avoid a Repeat of the Commission on Sustainable Development
National Climate Framework At Centre of Federal-Provincial Meeting in Vancouver, March 3rd
“If there ever was a time this could work it would be now,” Jennifer Allan, PhD candidate and researcher with International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), said. “Canadians are mobilized and there’s more momentum for change than there’s been in the recent past, if ever.”
Leaders in Sustainable Development to be Honoured by New Maurice Strong Sustainability Award
TPP threatens to worsen inequality
"The release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) last fall has unleashed a heated debate over its costs and benefits—or, to put it more crudely, its winners and losers. But that debate tends to focus narrowly on particular sectors of the economy—the auto industry and farmers, for instance, in Canada. As such it misses an appreciation of the broader impact of the 12-nation agreement, which boils down this: the TPP overwhelmingly favours one set of economic actors—current capital owners, investors and large business—over everyone else," says Howard Mann.