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Stable Policies, Turbulent Markets-Germany's Green Industrial Policy: The costs and benefits of promoting solar PV and wind energy
China and the Evolving Geo-Economics: Preparing for a new trade and investment regime
Video interview on Swiss Financial Television
Ivetta Gerasimchuk sat down for a six-minute English language interview, answering questions on IISD in general and energy policy including pricing, consumption and efficiency.
Post-Growth Growth Models
IISD Senior Fellow Simon Zadek on future economic growth models. More info can be found in his working paper on inclusive sustainable growth.
EU-Canada free trade deal ‘opens door to environmental lawsuits’
On January 21, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht announced his decision to consult the public on the investment provisions of a future EU-US trade deal, due to concerns about the implications of the investment chapter and the arbitration provisions allowing US investors to sue EU member states. The announcement has also led to renewed interest in the negotiations between Canada and the EU, where identical concerns are at issue. Euractiv interviewed IISD senior international lawyer Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder about the legal implications of the current negotiations between Canada and the EU.