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Reasons for optimism about a transition to a greener economy
"China's progress in making greener its financial markets policy and a new UNEP green inquiry give hope for 2014.” By IISD Senior Fellow Simon Zadek.
Rethinking Investment Incentives
Ontario proposal would let scientists resume Experimental Lakes Area work
“The Ontario government is proposing regulations that would allow scientists to legally conduct experiments at a world-renowned outdoor freshwater laboratory…” This reporting quotes Matthew McCandless and notes the government of Ontario’s plan to create regulations that will help IISD potentially operate the Experimental Lakes Area.
Canada’s carbon emissions on the rise
“Opposition blasts delay of oil and gas regs as feds’ latest to UN report projects increasing carbon emissions.” IISD’s Philip Gass helps explain the policy landscape. Subscribers only.
Closure of ELA compelling young scientist to speak out
"Diane Orihel says we need to foster a culture of science advocacy in Canada." Orihel has been one of the strongest proponents of preserving the work of the Experimental Lakes Area. IISD has been in negotiations regarding the facility since 2013.