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The CETA text: Devil’s still in the details
In his second op-ed in a week, Howard Mann wrote a rebuttal to Ailish Campbell, VP of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, who argued that Canada's NAFTA experience shows no need for alarm on CETA. Mann warns of the risks of including a "most-favoured nation" clause in the agreement.
The great biofuels scandal
"Biofuels are inefficient, cause hunger and air pollution, and cost taxpayers billions." Bjørn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre, cites IISD's 2013 EU biofuels study which found that, "A full 92 per cent of the carbon dioxide "saved" is just emitted elsewhere. For biodiesel alone, the net effect would likely be an increase in emissions.
Ante cambio climático Conagua establece lazos de colaboración con IISD / Faced with climate change Conagua partnerships with IISD (Spanish)
Scott Vaughan and Hans Herrmann travelled to Mexico to meet with the National Water Commission (Conagua) and other organizations to build partnerships in the region.