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Showing 1361-1370 of 7929 results
New "Fish Forward" Partnership Supports Sustainable, Eco-Certified Fishing in Manitoba
“Fish Forward” was launched at SMITH Restaurant today by provincial, national and international organizations who are working together to ensure that Manitoba lakes are sustainably fished, Manitoba fisheries are safeguarded for future generations, and Manitoba businesses are serving local fish that comes from increasingly sustainable sources.
COMMENTARY: COP27 shows Higgs is out of touch with reality
The International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD), and the UN Environmental Program issued separate reports with a common conclusion: limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires an immediate halt to new fossil fuel development.
IGF Case Study: Inclusive Closure and Post-Mining Transition at the Golden Pride Mine, Tanzania
This IGF case study of an open-pit gold mine in Tanzania provides good examples of how closure and post-mining transition can be done effectively and inclusively.
Commerce des espèces menacées : la COP 19 prévoit de réglementer plus de 500 espèces supplémentaires (in French)
La 19e Conférence des parties à la Cites se termine sur un bilan plutôt positif en prévoyant de réglementer le commerce de plus de 500 espèces supplémentaires. Mais cela signifie aussi que le nombre d'espèces menacées augmente.
Shifting the narrative on adaptation at COP27
At the "Adaptation COP" in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, the Adaptation Without Borders partnership led by SEI, ODI and IDDRI advanced the narrative that climate risk is a shared reality and adaptation must become a collective responsibility.
Trevor Hancock: Why can't we use the 'F' words?
Last week, COP27 ended with agreement by all the countries in the world on the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan. The good news is that it includes, finally, an agreement to establish a "loss and damage" fund through which the high-income countries will provide funding and technical support to developing countries damaged by climate change.
Massutrotning på agendan efter COP27 (in Swedish)
Klimatdiskussionerna fortsätter på ännu ett stort möte, nu handlar det om biologisk mångfald. Ska vi käka benig fisk för klimatets skull? Och internationella experter tror att fossilanvändningen snart minskar.
Analysing India’s climate policy and the route post-COP27
As the world's third-largest greenhouse gas emitting country, India is often criticised by the international community. However, it justifies itself by stating its minuscule per capita emissions and low historical emissions as compared to the developed world. This analysis explores whether India is playing its role in tackling one of the world's most pressing issues.