Allen Klimaschutz-Plänen zum Trotz boomen fossile Energieträger. Die Kohleverstromung hat vergangenes Jahr ein Rekordniveau erreicht und der Ölpreis stieg diese Woche auf den höchsten Stand seit 2014.
Failure to integrate climate adaptation considerations into peacebuilding plans and post-conflict development agendas can undermine the long-term viability of both.
When protests swept Kazakhstan earlier this month, they were fueled by frustration with the ruling elite and entrenched inequality. But the unrest was sparked by a specific catalyst: an end to a government subsidy.
As awareness grows over the steep health impacts of global environmental changes, how can the health and environment sectors come together for joint action?
New research from IISD highlights what could be at stake for climate action as negotiators continue discussions on modernizing the Energy Charter Treaty.
Countries are increasingly using their NAP processes to realize gender-responsive climate action and act on the Gender Action Plan (GAP) under the UNFCCC.
Every few years, the International Energy Agency publishes reviews of its member countries' energy policies. Until its Canadian analysis landed this week, we hadn't been reviewed since 2016. You might not think much would change in just six years, but a read of the new report highlights a remarkable shift in Canada’s energy priorities.