The UK government is working to launch a coalition of countries and financial institutions committed to end public funding for fossil fuels abroad at UN climate talks in Glasgow this November.
Fear of multi-billion-euro lawsuits from fossil fuel investors is putting the Paris agreement on climate change at risk, one of the deal's architects has warned.
This brief examines one way to significantly scale-up gender-smart financing is through mainstreaming gender considerations in all-new sustainable bond issues.
This brief is part of a series that examines how integrating gender considerations into all newly issued sustainable bonds could significantly scale up financing for gender objectives.
SIPA provides countries in Central and Southeast Asia with capacity development and policy advice at different stages of the infrastructure investment cycle.
This project aims to drive investments under post-pandemic recovery plans and development strategies towards transformation in the mobility and transport sector.
The Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin is the largest in West Africa; Four countries have now agreed to cooperate on sharing it peaceably, setting a template for the world.