Fitting the Pieces of the Puzzle: Making sense of sustainability due diligence regulations across the globe

The complex, constantly evolving landscape of sustainability due diligence regulations can often feel like a puzzle, with many pieces to understand in order to meet compliance requirements. To help make sense of it, we carried out an analysis of a selected set of regulations, including the European Union (EU) regulation on deforestation/free products (EUDR), the German Supply Chain Act, the UK Modern Slavery Act, and the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. 

We found that these regulations share common themes: risk-based management, traceability, transparency, accountability, stakeholder engagement, and legality. In this webinar, we will explore the shared themes, clarify the challenges for compliance, and introduce tools to help navigate compliance.


  • Greta Koch, Policy adviser and press officer to Axel Voss, MEP
  • Valentina Bolognesi- Senior Social Policy Advisor, amfori
  • Rémi d’Annunzio, Forest officer at FAO
  • Christopher N.H.Schwarz, Global Associate Director, Agricultural Value Chains team, South Pole