IISD in the news

Transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy can pose fiscal challenges for India: study

The global transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources could trigger financial challenges for India and major developing countries such as Russia, Brazil and China because of their high dependence on revenues from fossil fuel, according to a study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

July 10, 2022

IISD in the news details

IISD in the news

IISD Report: Shifting Away from Fossil Fuels Could Lower BRIICS Nations' Revenues

A new report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), titled Boom and Bust: The Fiscal Implications of Fossil Fuel Phase-Out in Six Large Emerging Economies, looks at the potential financial ramifications of phasing out fossil fuels in six emerging economies — Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, and South Africa (BRIICS). They must begin adjusting their fiscal policies to account for declining fossil fuel use or risk a $278 billion revenue gap by 2030. 

July 8, 2022

IISD in the news details

IISD in the news

India, 5 others face fall in fossil fuel revenues

As the global clean energy transition gathers pace, six emerging economies need to start adjusting their fiscal policies now to account for declining fossil fuel use-or risk a $278 billion gap in revenues by 2030, equivalent to the combined total government revenues of Indonesia and S. Africa in 2019, according to a new report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. 

July 8, 2022

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IISD in the news

India and other BRIICS nations could face huge revenue gap if they don't decarbonize now: Report

As the world has pledged to transition towards cleaner energy to combat climate change, a latest report said the governments of Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa (BRIICS) need to act now to decarbonize and start adjusting their fiscal policies to account for declining fossil fuel use or they could face a USD 278 billion revenue gap by 2030.

July 7, 2022

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IISD in the news

India must colour coal cash green for mining communities to survive

Every year in October, cash registers ring in shops dotting east India's mining hubs during the Hindu festival season of Dussehra, when the country's biggest coal company, Coal India Ltd, hands its workers a bonus. Researchers and unions are calling for this coal cash - which fuels spending in homes and local economies - and the revenue local governments earn from coal mining firms to be mapped as a first step towards planning for a post-coal economy.

June 23, 2022

IISD in the news details

IISD in the news

India must colour coal cash green for mining hubs to survive

Every year in October, cash registers ring in shops dotting east India's mining hubs during the Hindu festival season of Dussehra, when the country's biggest coal company, Coal India Ltd., hands its workers a bonus.

June 23, 2022

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IISD in the news

Piyush Goyal Lauds WTO MC12's 'positive Outcomes'; 'India Has Received 100% Success'

Union Commerce & Industry Minister Piyush Goyal has lauded the 'collective efforts' at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference and said that 'positive outcomes have come out' of it. 

June 17, 2022
IISD in the news

India's taxes and subsidies threaten clean energy growth in the country

After a slowdown during the first two years of the covid-19 pandemic, India’s renewable energy sector seems to be bouncing back in terms of investments. But recent studies raise doubts about the overall pace of the sector’s growth with finance emerging as a major impediment.

June 15, 2022

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IISD in the news

How increasing taxes and decreasing subsidies threaten India's clean energy growth

After a slowdown during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, India's renewable energy sector seems to be bouncing back in terms of investments. But recent studies raise doubts about the overall pace of the sector's growth with finance emerging as a major impediment.

June 14, 2022

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IISD in the news

Fossil fuel subsidy 9 times higher than for clean energy, says study on India’s net-zero goal

India has to do a lot more to meet its net-zero emission target as fossil fuel subsidies are nine times higher than those for clean energy, despite a 72 per cent fall in the former since 2014, says a study by the think tanks International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW).

June 2, 2022

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