
A Sustainable Asset Valuation of Non-Motorized Transport in Coimbatore, India

This Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) focuses on the added economic, social, and environmental benefits and avoided costs of a new non-motorized transport (NMT) network in Coimbatore, India.

May 17, 2023

The Coimbatore City Municipality Corporation identified 300 km of non-motorized transport (NMT) routes throughout their city, and the network is being implemented over the next 15 years. The plan will benefit around 60% of the city's population and improve the local environment. This SAVi assessment integrates a monetary valuation of social and environmental impacts, such as health and CO2 emissions (as well as economic benefits), into the traditional cost-benefit analysis process often used to assess transport infrastructure decisions. This project is highly profitable in terms of added economic, social, and environmental benefits and reduced costs for the city, which add up to USD 486.1 million.

These knock-on effects are often overlooked in the current cost-benefit analysis process that most transport infrastructure decision making is based on. We hope that the results of this SAVi assessment can be used by various stakeholders, including policy-makers, investors, and planners, to make informed decisions and advocate for sustainable transport projects.


Japan-India EV Investment Round Table

May 18, 2023 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm IST

via Zoom

(Open to public)

Webinar card for "Japan-India EV Investment Round Table" with photo of electric vehicle.

With electric vehicle (EV) sales on the rise and climate action accelerating, decarbonization of the transport sector is set to be a central issue on the 2023 global climate change agenda. As India assumes the G20 presidency and ahead of the upcoming G7 Summit in Japan, this webinar will explore areas of cooperation on EVs and how investment can support climate and economic goals.  

The Government of India has already pledged to have 30% of all new vehicle sales in the country to be EVs by 2030. To reach this target, India will need an investment of USD 266 billion between 2020 and 2030. While transport electrification will bring many advantages, including reducing CO2 emissions and enhancing India’s energy security, a newly launched report estimates that significant foreign direct investment will be needed to increase EV component and battery manufacturing. 

This round table, organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Columbia University, and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), will highlight areas of cooperation for Japan and India within the EV ecosystem. Held in a virtual format, the round table will cover recent EV developments in India and explore collaboration with Japanese automakers (OEMs), component manufacturers, and institutional investors.

Building on the independent report Investor Perspectives on Accelerating Growth in the Indian EV Ecosystem this round table will provide recommendations for how policy-makers in India can support EV investment.


Moderator: Pramoda Gode, Lead, Moving India, World Economic Forum

Swasti Raizada, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Presentation on Investor Feedback on India’s EV Ecosystem
Abhishek Bansal, Senior Investment Specialist, Invest India
Siddharth Goel, Senior Policy Advisor, IISD

Presentation on Critical Mineral Supply Chain Cooperation
Nanda Kumar Janardhanan, Research Manager, Climate and Energy and Regional Coordinator, South Asia, IGES

Remarks on Government of India Policies and Priorities
Sudhendu Sinha, Adviser, Infrastructure Connectivity, Transport and Electric Mobility, NITI Aayog

Presentation on Challenges and Opportunities for xEV Automotive Usage
Masaru Akaishi, Managing Director, Maruti Suzuki Toyota

Remarks on Evolving Auto Business and EV Manufacturing in India
Inderveer Singh, Founder and CEO, EVage

Round Table Discussion and Q&A

Webinar details

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