IISD in the news

India Chases Clean Energy, but Economic Goals Put Coal First

In the shadow of a retired coal-fired power plant in India’s capital, Meena Devi tries to make her family home — four brick walls with a tin roof — a safe place to breathe. Though the smokestacks at the plant went dormant years ago under a court order, there is no shortage of hazards in her air, ranging from vehicular exhaust to construction dust to ash from crop stubble burning in adjacent states.

December 7, 2022

IISD in the news details

IISD in the news

Analysing India’s climate policy and the route post-COP27

As the world's third-largest greenhouse gas emitting country, India is often criticised by the international community. However, it justifies itself by stating its minuscule per capita emissions and low historical emissions as compared to the developed world. This analysis explores whether India is playing its role in tackling one of the world's most pressing issues.

November 25, 2022
IISD in the news

COP27 ends with historic compensation fund to address climate change-induced disasters- Key details

COP27: The UN climate summit agreed to set up a "transitional committee' to decide how the money will be provided and who will contribute to the fund. Its recommendations will be discussed at COP28 next year. 

November 21, 2022
IISD in the news

The world waited far too long for this, says India after COP27 ends with historic compensation fund

The UN climate summit in Egypt concluded on Sunday with a landmark decision to establish a fund to address loss and damage, but the outcome on other crucial issues such as India's call for phasedown of all fossil fuels reflected little progress.

November 21, 2022
IISD in the news

COP27 ends with historic compensation fund; delivers less on other issues

The UN climate summit in Egypt concluded on Sunday with a landmark decision to establish a fund to address loss and damage, but the outcome on other crucial issues such as India's call for phase down of all fossil fuels reflected little progress.

November 20, 2022
IISD in the news

COP27 Ends With Historic Decision On Damage Fund, Little Progress On Other Issues

While the UN climate summit in Egypt concluded with a landmark decision to establish a fund to address loss and damage, the outcome on other crucial issues like phaseout of all fossil fuels reflected little progress when compared to the deal struck a year ago in Scotland.

November 20, 2022
IISD in the news

COP27 Ends With Historic Compensation Fund; Heeds India's Call For Sustainable Lifestyle

The UN climate summit in Egypt concluded on Sunday with a landmark decision to establish a fund to address loss and damage, but the outcome on other crucial issues such as India's call for phasedown of all fossil fuels reflected little progress.

November 20, 2022
IISD in the news

Many nations join India's call to phase down all fossil fuels

After India suggested a faster phase-down of all fossil fuels and not just coal, the proposal found support from other countries at the U.N. summit held in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, including the European Union and the U.K.

November 16, 2022