Toolkit for Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process assists governments in identifying their medium- and long-term adaptation needs, and developing the right strategies to address them.
Though the NAP process remains a government-led and country-owned process, an effective NAP process is inclusive, participatory, and should involve a variety of stakeholder groups, including the private sector.
This toolkit aims to help governments develop strategies for the effective engagement of private sector actors in the NAP process. This includes engaging them in all phases of the NAP process, as outlined in the Technical Guidelines for the NAP Process, developed in 2012 by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The guiding document is not prescriptive; what works in one context may not work in another, and, as such, users should adopt those methods and approaches most relevant to their national or local realities.
The NAP Global Network and the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee co-hosted a webinar that demonstrated the versatile nature of the toolkit, as well as its applicability. Watch the video and view the presentations here.
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