Objectives: CRiSTAL helps users to understand:
1. How current and potential future climate hazards affect/may affect a project area and local livelihoods.
2. How men and women respond to the current and potential future impacts of these climate hazards.
3. Which livelihood resources are most affected by current climate hazards and which ones are most important for the response strategies.
4. How project activities affect access to, or availability of, these critical livelihood resources.
5. What project adjustments (revision of existing activities and/or design of new activities) can be made to support climate adaptation and reduce climate risk.
6. To what extent the project contributes to climate adaptation.
Target user: CRiSTAL targets project planners and managers working at the local or community level. However, a wide range of other actors may also use the tool (including policy-makers and decision makers).
Approach: CRiSTAL relies on information collected from desk-based review and stakeholder consultations at the local level (community and other local experts) using participatory methods.
Structure: CRiSTAL is organized according to three phases, which build on each other:
Key outputs: Applying CRiSTAL leads to three main outputs:
1. List of livelihood resources that are most affected by climate hazards and most important for responding to climate impacts.
2. Proposed adjustments to existing projects and new activities to support climate adaptation.
3. List of desired adaptation outcomes and important influencing factors to be monitored.
Outcome: Projects improve livelihoods in the short and long terms in a context of climate risk.
Format: CRiSTAL is a desktop application compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 operating systems and greater versions. It is currently available in English. Translations of the tool in other languages will be released in the future (please check this website for updates).
If you have any questions or require clarification on any point, please consult our FAQs section or contact the CRiSTAL team directly.