Fisheries Subsidies: Approaches to Implementation

This lunchtime seminar is designed to provide negotiators working on the WTO fisheries subsidies agreement with expert perspectives on possible approaches to the implementation of an eventual outcome, drawing on the options for rules currently under discussion. Expert presentations will cover possible implementation steps Members could consider, depending on the result of the negotiations, and input from international organisations about support available for the implementation of new rules on fisheries subsidies.
13:00-13:30 Light lunch available outside Room D
13:30-13:35 Opening remarks
Tristan Irschlinger, Policy Advisor, Fisheries Subsidies, IISD
13:35-14:30 Presentations
Fisheries subsidies rules: Possible implementation steps
Graeme Macfadyen, Director, Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management
FAO-UNEP-UNCTAD Joint Plan of Action to advance SDG 14
David Vivas Eugui, Legal Affairs Officer, UNCTAD
Elena Antoni, Research Analyst Environment and Trade, UNEP
Accessing support for fisheries management: The FAO network
Ahmad Mukhtar, Economist - Trade and Food Security, FAO Liaison Office Geneva
Moderator: Dmitry Grozoubinski, Founder,
14:30 – 15:00 Open discussion
15:00 Closing Remarks
Tristan Irschlinger, Policy Advisor, Fisheries Subsidies, IISD
Practical Information
Friday 14 June 2019 | 13:00-15:00 | Room D, WTO | Rue de Lausanne 154, 1202 Genève
Attendance is by invitation only. Please email Eleonora Bonaccorsi by Wednesday 12 June to express interest.