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Card showing details of the webinars (date, time). See text below.

On May 6 and 8 2020, the International Institute for Sustainable Development organized two webinars sessions summarizing the state of play and the key issues to be resolved across the WTO fisheries subsidies negotiations.

These webinars provided a short, clear summary of the state of play in WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies following the new texts and submissions of March and April. The two sessions looked at the three main disciplines currently being discussed by WTO members – i.e. on IUU fishing, overfished stocks, and overfishing and overcapacity, and at institutional issues, setting out the progress achieved so far and identify succinctly the key questions that will need to be answered to reach a multilateral deal.

The presentations, of these webinars are now available as a set of downloadable videos, and are designed to help delegations to seek focused input from capitals to support their engagement in the next phase of the negotiation.

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