COP 27 Side Event | Paris-Aligned Energy Modelling and Canada’s Climate Ambition
This event will present new research by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) on feasible 1.5°C-aligned energy scenarios and their implications for various sectors to inform policy interventions. The event connects international research with policy developments currently happening in Canada, including the proposed cap on emissions from the oil and gas sector and clean electricity regulations, with a view to bolstering the level of ambition in domestic federal and provincial policies. This research also provides clear guidelines for decision-makers to set their policies in line with the best available science.
This event will include a discussion of how energy scenarios guide public investments internationally and in Canada to clarify how Canada’s overseas investments could align with ambitious, Paris-aligned scenarios while supporting developing country priorities.
Opening Remarks
Caroline Brouillette, National Policy Director, Climate Action Network Canada
Speaker Interventions
- Olivier Bois von Kursk, Policy Analyst, IISD
- Julia Levin, National Climate Program Manager, Environmental Defence
- Ina-Maria Shikongo, Climate Activist, Fridays for Future Windhoek
- Catherine Abreu, Founder and Executive Director, Destination Zero