The Global Trade and Gender Arrangement has been heralded by many as "ground-breaking," a "landmark," and an innovative and comprehensive initiative. But is it really? What does it add to trade and gender provisions in existing agreements and how far can it go to redress gender inequalities in participating countries?
Non c’è più tempo, la comunità globale deve intensificare le attività di tutela ambientale per far fronte alle tante crisi che stanno emergendo con forza, come quella climatica e quella della biodiversità. Negli ultimi 12 mesi ci sono stati dei passi avanti, che danno speranza, ma anche dei rallentamenti che rischiano di compromettere la salute del Pianeta e delle persone che lo abitano.
The main goal of this capacity-building workshop is to help government officials in Malawi get a deeper understanding of agricultural investor–state contracts and international investment agreements in order to increase sustainable investment in the country.
Les exploitants des sables bitumineux du Canada ont un plan pour verdir leur activité : un gros projet d’infrastructure pour capturer du carbone. Ils comptent sur l’argent de l’État pour financer une solution déjà opérationnelle. Mais elle ne piège que 1 % des émissions polluantes issues de leurs extractions mortifères actuellement.
Voices are being raised to demand a clearer and more restrictive definition of "clean hydrogen" in order to prevent public funds from financing solutions deemed costly and less reliable.
This stocktaking brief provides an update on the joint initiative negotiations on Investment Facilitation for Development among a group of World Trade Organization (WTO) members. The brief provides updates on how the draft negotiating text has evolved since 2022, as well as an overview of how the process is likely to evolve in the run-up to MC13.
Dans l’énoncé économique présenté en novembre 2022, le gouvernement fédéral a annoncé un volet destiné à structurer la transition énergétique au pays. Pour soutenir les projets favorisant la production d’hydrogène dit propre, le gouvernement Trudeau travaille actuellement sur un crédit d’impôt remboursable pour les investissements dans ce domaine.
The objective of this workshop is to complement official discussions of the WTO by providing additional detail on the history of the fisheries subsidies negotiations, in order to inform Latin American delegations’ deliberations about how best to proceed.
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are antimicrobial additives in many consumer products with high potential for release into aquatic ecosystems. Though AgNPs have been shown to have negative impacts on fish in laboratory experiments, these effects are rarely observed at ecologically relevant concentrations or in situ in field settings. To evaluate ecosystem-level effects of this contaminant, AgNPs were added to a lake at the IISD Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA) during 2014 and 2015.