How to save free trade from itself
"What the world needs now is a dedicated effort to make new international economic agreements responsive to the sustainable and inclusive development agenda set out globally in 2015."
"What the world needs now is a dedicated effort to make new international economic agreements responsive to the sustainable and inclusive development agenda set out globally in 2015."
"Now is the time to make sure that the right policies and processes are in place to guide sustainable development according to the timeline that the 2030 Agenda requires -- there can be no time for confusion or delay."
“At the end of the day, as much as the goals and targets matter, what matters most is reducing emissions,” says Amin Asadollahi, the lead for climate change mitigation for North America at the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
“This gesture of openness signals a genuine desire to remove subsidies that are both environmentally and economically harmful,” said Peter Wooders, director of the energy programme at the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
"Canada can be a world leader on fresh water management in a changing climate, and the time to act is now." Anne Hammill and Dimple Roy make their case for federal leadership on fresh water management in the context of climate change.