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Showing 5351-5360 of 8081 results
Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals—Challenges for OECD Countries. Part 3: Means of Implementation
In part three of a blog series on the challenges that OECD countries face in reporting on their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, Mark Halle discusses financing the implementation of goals.
State of Sustainability Initiatives Review: Standards and the Blue Economy
This report examines market and performance trends of the nine most prevalent seafood certification schemes, including the Marine Stewardship Council, GLOBAL G.A.P. and Friend of the Sea.
Environmental Protection Boosts Productivity
"Adopting an actual price on carbon emissions and incorporating them into the market economy would affect decisions throughout the economy and help prevent harmful climate change."
Why We Are Excited About Canada's 2016 Census
Charles Thrift explains why our Knowledge program shares Canadians' enthusiasm for the 2016 Census.
How Should We Measure Sustainable Development?
"The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development makes the timeline clear. We have 15 years to hit the targets and meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a race toward a sustainable future that has already begun."
sNAPshot: Philippines's Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This sNAPshot looks at how the Philippines initiated sectoral integration of climate change adaptation considerations, and how this compares with approaches that other countries are
Reforming Kerosene Subsidies in India: Towards better alternatives
This study aims to address the key question of how to best rationalize the kerosene subsidy to improve the government effectiveness as well as provide the maximum benefit to the households spending on the fuel. The report finds that subsidizing kerosene essentially fails to meet the objective of providing affordable cooking and lighting service to households.
Providing Clean Cooking Fuel in India: Challenges and solutions
This report explores the issues and challenges of clean cooking in urban India through a case study of the Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation in Uttar Pradesh. The report analyses results from a survey of 250 households in Ghaziabad district which yielded statistics and insights on clean cooking coverage and accessibility, energy usage and prices and how gender is an important determinant of cleaner cooking fuels.