IISD's work on fisheries, trade and sustainable development contributes to crafting multilateral and regional trade rules and policies that support sustainable fishing. We are focused on supporting the current World Trade Organization negotiations to end harmful fisheries subsidies by 2020, recognizing the need to restore the sustainability of fish stocks while supporting livelihoods and food security, particularly in developing countries.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced negotiations on fisheries subsidies at the World Trade Organization (WTO) onto a slow track, but negotiators are continuing to work to meet the 2020 deadline for a deal set by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 14.6.
This policy brief discusses some of the legal issues that have emerged in the negotiation of a new rule on subsidies to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the context of the World Trade Organization negotiations on fisheries subsidies.
Alice Tipping, who leads the Global Subsidies Initiative’s work on fisheries subsidies, reports on the latest round of negotiations towards an agreement on fisheries subsidies at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva.
Two rounds of negotiations towards a WTO agreement on fisheries subsidies were held on January 16–17 and February 6–7, 2020.
This discussion paper analyzes approaches to new WTO rules on subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing in the context of development priorities.
January 20, 2020
Paulina Resich
Dyhia Belhabib
Stories of success in Latin American fishing communities have nothing to do with the price of gas or getting cheap equipment. Instead, there must be a system that protects their business from illegal fishing.
Éléments principaux
(English below)
La pêcherie de sardinelles dans les eaux de la Gambie, de la Guinée-Bissau, de la Mauritanie et du Sénégal fait face à une situation de surcapacité et les stocks de sardinelles sont surexploités.
This case study explores the potential impact of new rules on fisheries subsidies on the southern longline tuna fishery in the Western and Central Pacific ocean.