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TPP threatens to worsen inequality
"The release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) last fall has unleashed a heated debate over its costs and benefits—or, to put it more crudely, its winners and losers. But that debate tends to focus narrowly on particular sectors of the economy—the auto industry and farmers, for instance, in Canada. As such it misses an appreciation of the broader impact of the 12-nation agreement, which boils down this: the TPP overwhelmingly favours one set of economic actors—current capital owners, investors and large business—over everyone else," says Howard Mann.
Webinar: Beyond SDG Indicators
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Part I: A deal too far
Two-Day Workshop: A Regional Bioeconomy Approach: Partnerships for Natural Solutions
IISD-ELA's work on climate change
Sheldon Rogers visits IISD Experimental Lakes Area to learn more about what impact we have discovered climate change is having on our lakes.(Video begins at 2:29).
Green Bonds, Green Boundaries: Building China’s green financial system on a solid foundation
A Tribute to Maurice Strong (1929-2015)
Adaptation Should Be A Priority For Canada's Environment Ministers
"With oil prices currently in free fall, the need for a national strategy to end our dependency on fossil fuels is as pressing as ever. But with average global temperatures already having risen almost 1°C above preindustrial levels, there is also a pressing need for Canada's leaders to make climate change adaptation a priority domestically and in its support for developing countries." says IISD President-CEO Scott Vaughan.