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2nd Targeted Topics Forum | National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network
Obama passes climate change torch to Trudeau
Scott Vaughan, president of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, said the common ground staked out by Trudeau and Obama is the "the first time in 15, 16 years that you've got two political leaders in Canada and the U.S. that are of the same mind to be able to talk about climate."
Behind the pageantry, Obama and Trudeau try to build a shared legacy
“The U.S. EPA has been moving on this pretty systematically now for three of four years and with the agreement today Canada is going to have to figure out how it’s going to align and get on board,” said Scott Vaughan, president and CEO of the International Institute of Sustainable Development.
Trudeau and Obama’s climate change announcement puts focus on Arctic
“I think there’s been a fundamental shift from Ottawa’s perception of climate related issues,” said Vaughan, who is currently president of the International Institute for Sustainable Development. “In the Arctic it’s profoundly more serious and accelerating more rapidly than anywhere else in the world. We need to move on this urgently.”
Webinar: Re-thinking the Trans-Pacific Partnership
IISD Strongly Commends Canada/USA Climate Change Statement
New debate needed on Canada-EU trade deal
Government Support to Proposed UK Nuclear Power Station Carries Big Risks to the British Public
Deal to curb methane on deck when Trudeau meets Obama in Washington
"Scott Vaughan, president of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, said in an interview there is a “huge amount of pre-existing work” between Canada and the United States on reducing methane and working towards clean energy."