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Energy Subsidies - International

From the UNFCCC to the SDGs, and from the G20 to APEC, GSI is involved in international processes and fora to push for Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and transparency.



GSI works with CSO coalitions for action on reform alongside ODI and OCI. GSI supports the work of the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform.

G20 must support good jobs in the low carbon transition

Donald Trump won the US presidency railing against “job-killing regulation” and promising to put coal miners back to work. Delivering against this promise is proving difficult: US high-cost coal is crowded out not just by increasingly low-cost renewables, but also by shale gas and lower-cost coal from other countries.

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A Low-Hanging Fruit for Financing and Implementing SDGs: End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Phase-out and reallocation of fossil fuel subsidies (FFS) is a low-hanging fruit for financing and implementing SDGs. First, it has a diverse support base of both sustainable development advocates and “government downsizers.” Second, instead of requiring financing like many sustainable development policies, it could free up hundreds of billions of dollars for implementing multiple SDGs.

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A Low-Hanging Fruit for Financing and Implementing SDGs: End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Phase-out and reallocation of fossil fuel subsidies (FFS) is a low-hanging fruit for financing and implementing SDGs. First, it has a diverse support base of both sustainable development advocates and “government downsizers.” Second, instead of requiring financing like many sustainable development policies, it could free up hundreds of billions of dollars for implementing multiple SDGs.

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Government Subsidies to Fossil Fuels are 22 Times Larger than Government Support to Adaptation on Climate Change

25 May—Bonn, Germany—Over the last two weeks, countries met in Bonn to discuss the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Fiscal instruments—such as fossil fuel subsidy reform, fuel duty and carbon taxation—were raised throughout the meeting, which was supported by the Global Subsidies Initiative of IISD and the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (Friends of FFSR). 

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