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Energy Subsidies - International

From the UNFCCC to the SDGs, and from the G20 to APEC, GSI is involved in international processes and fora to push for Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and transparency.



GSI works with CSO coalitions for action on reform alongside ODI and OCI. GSI supports the work of the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform.

News: Energy Subsidies and the WTO

Geneva, Switzerland—29 April 2013—The World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Energy Charter organized a workshop to discuss how WTO regulation and the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) apply to trade and investment in energy.

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Renewable energy subsidies and the WTO: The wrong law and the wrong venue

Japan recently announced that consultations had failed to resolve its dispute with Canada over the Province of Ontario’s feed-in-tariffs for renewable energy, and that in mid-June it will be asking the WTO to establish a dispute settlement panel. This is awful news for the multilateral trade system, for which the dispute will be corrosive, seemingly pitting trade against the environment.

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News: WTO subsidy dispute round-up

In the past two months, the U.S. Congress has decided to continue paying Brazilian cotton farmers US$ 147 million a year; speculation intensifies as the United States enters into consultations with China over subsidies for wind energy; and the American Soybean Association makes noises about the potential trade impacts of the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive.

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Blog: Rising costs: fossil-fuel subsidies and oil price volatility. An interview with the IEA's Amos Bromhead

With many governments around the world announcing the provision of generous subsidies to cope with rising commodity prices, the relationship between fossil-fuel subsidies and oil price volatility has once again become a major concern on the international agenda. To help explain the connections between these two issues, Subsidy Watch spoke with the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Senior Energy Analyst Amos Bromhead. 

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Studies: GSI Policy Brief - Delivering on G-20 Commitments in Seoul

The latest in the Global Subsidies Initiative’s series of Policy Briefs, Delivering on G-20 Commitments: The path to fossil-fuel subsidy reform, summarizes what has been done since the G-20 committed to phase out and rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that lead to wasteful consumption, including reports to the June 2010 Toronto Summit.

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