Experiences with CRiSTAL
If you have a story to share about using CRiSTAL—how it was applied, the benefits and challenges, or how it was modified to meet your needs, please complete our
reporting template (DOC - 74 KB), or
contact the CRiSTAL team directly.
[full listing]
IUCN held a workshop with local NGOs in Rio Hondo, Sierra de las Minas region, Zacapa, Guatemala, which included a brief pilot application of the tool. It is now planned to apply CRiSTAL through 31 community workshops.
Publication date: Nov-10
The present report concerns the application of the CRiSTAL Tool in the San Pablo village, Department of San Marcos, Guatemala; in the framework of the Tacana II Project developed by IUCN with the support from the Embassy of the Netherlands in Guatemala.
Publication date: Sep-09