Experiences with CRiSTAL

If you have a story to share about using CRiSTAL—how it was applied, the benefits and challenges, or how it was modified to meet your needs, please complete our reporting template (DOC - 74 KB), or contact the CRiSTAL team directly.

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  • In this CRiSTAL Stories brief, Julie Karami (IISD) and Sophie Kutegeka (IUCN-Uganda) document how the application of the Community-Based Risk Screening Tool— Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL) framework in Sansaza parish, Eastern Uganda, led to the development of a community-driven water gravity flow scheme for irrigation. The scheme will help people adapt to prolonged dry spells—a trend that may increase in the context of climate change. Other outcomes of the CRiSTAL process include: the development of a common understanding of the climate issues, increased cohesion among local actors and increased support for climate adaptation in the area from external agencies.
    Publication date: 2013