Experiences with CRiSTAL
If you have a story to share about using CRiSTAL—how it was applied, the benefits and challenges, or how it was modified to meet your needs, please complete our
reporting template (DOC - 74 KB), or
contact the CRiSTAL team directly.
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Teresa, in the Cusco region of Peru. The application of CRiSTAL led to the identification of a range of climate and gender-sensitive adaptation measures by the local communities, in line with their local culture and traditions. Continuous engagement of local government in the CRiSTAL process further contributed to the inclusion of climate adaptation into local development plans, which is now being replicated in the surrounding municipalities.
Publication date: 28-May-13
In this CRiSTAL Stories brief, Marius Keller (IISD) and Tatiana Farfán de la Vega (CARE-Peru) document how application of the CRiSTAL framework in the municipality of Santa Teresa, in the Cusco region of Peru, led local communities to identify a range of climate and gender-sensitive adaptation measures, in line with local culture and traditions. Continuous engagement of local government in the CRiSTAL process further contributed to the inclusion of climate adaptation into local development plans, which has now been replicated in the surrounding municipalities.
Publication date: Mar-13
UNDP, UNEP and IUCN organized a CRISTAL training and field application of the CRiSTAL Tool as part of the Adaptation based on Mountain Ecosystems Project in the city of Lunahuaná, Lima, Peru.
Publication date: Oct-12
As part of the Climate Risk Management Technical Assistance Support Project (CRM TASP), consultations on climate risks were held with communities in the upper watershed of the Piura River, in Peru. This report summarizes the results (in Spanish).
Publication date: December, 2011
This case study analyzes the results, lessons learned and recommendations emerging from the application of CRiSTAL along with CARE's Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) methodology in the context of the PRAA project. Versión en castellano disponible aquÃ: http://www.careclimatechange.org/files/adaptation/PRAA_CVCA_CS_0711_Spanish.pdf
Publication date: 2011