Experiences with CRiSTAL
If you have a story to share about using CRiSTAL—how it was applied, the benefits and challenges, or how it was modified to meet your needs, please complete our
reporting template (DOC - 74 KB), or
contact the CRiSTAL team directly.
[full listing]
CRiSTAL was applied in four field project sites located in 3 agroecological zones of Zambia, as part of an IUCN climate change adaptation pilot project. The information collected with CRiSTAL was communicated to decision-makers to complete Zambia’s NAPA. This pilot project led to a full-size IUCN climate change adaptation project in Eastern and Southern Africa, focusing on the role of forest and water resources in climate change adaptation.
Publication date: March-April 2007
As part of the UNITAR project called C3D+ (Capacity Development for Adaptation to Climate Change and GHG Mitigation and Non-Annex I Countries) , IISD applied CRiSTAL in Western Province, Zambia, in July 2009. The objectives were to improve the capacity of local non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations to gather local information on climate change vulnerability and adaptation and integrate this information into project design and management.
Publication date: Jul-09